A Green New Deal for the Gulf States! (w/Logan Burke)
Links for more info on today's topic:
Alliance for Affordable Energy: http://www.all4energy.org/
Gulf South for a Green New Deal: https://www.gulfsouth4gnd.org/
Princeton Study about LA's Unsuitability for CO2 Capture: https://netzeroamerica.princeton.edu/img/Princeton_NZA_Interim_Report_15_Dec_2020_FINAL.pdf
Why Clean Coal is a Myth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T9neWyZdF8M
What's a Salt Dome?: http://geology.com/stories/13/salt-domes/
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Episode 57 of Energy Nerd Show & Tell. This week's guest: Logan Burke on a Green New Deal for the Gulf States.
Each week, Jeannie and Bruce will interview an energy nerd about what's been getting them psyched about energy!