A Green New Deal for the Gulf States! (w/Logan Burke)

Links for more info on today's topic:

Alliance for Affordable Energy: http://www.all4energy.org/


Gulf South for a Green New Deal: https://www.gulfsouth4gnd.org/

Princeton Study about LA's Unsuitability for CO2 Capture: https://netzeroamerica.princeton.edu/img/Princeton_NZA_Interim_Report_15_Dec_2020_FINAL.pdf

Why Clean Coal is a Myth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T9neWyZdF8M

What's a Salt Dome?: http://geology.com/stories/13/salt-domes/

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Episode 57 of Energy Nerd Show & Tell. This week's guest: Logan Burke on a Green New Deal for the Gulf States.

Each week, Jeannie and Bruce will interview an energy nerd about what's been getting them psyched about energy!

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Logan Burke, Executive Director
Alliance for Affordable Energy

Logan Burke has served as the Executive Director for the Alliance for Affordable Energy since 2017 and started with the organization as an intern in 2013. Ms. Burke works on a broad scope of consumer protection and clean energy issues, advocating for energy efficiency programs, distributed energy resources, and equitable and affordable access to renewable energy.

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